The story of Weite's technological improvement, innovation and breakthrough led by innovation - Team stylecrane computer, safe load indicator,Marine CCTV Camera System

The story of Weite's technological improvement, innovation and breakthrough led by innovation

Time:2022-08-29 16:11 Read:3281 Source:Internet

Since 2002

Weite has always adhered to the guidance of technological innovation and constantly promoted the high-quality development of cranes in safety, management and other fields. We have always focused on improving technology solutions, strengthening industry university research technology cooperation, training talents in various technical fields, etc., to ensure the leadership of micro and special technologies. Many unforgettable stories have taken place in the fields of technology improvement, technological innovation, technological breakthrough, etc. Each story conveys the struggle concept of "small and special people living in the present and moving forward bravely"

▶  Substitute for foreign imports

(Mr. Nie is on the CNOOC drilling platform)

(The site of the technical exchange meeting between Weite and CNOOC)

More than a decade ago, the full set of CNOOC offshore drilling platform equipment almost came from Germany and Japan, as well as crane safety products. By chance, the crane computer of the offshore platform failed, and German engineers could not come to repair it in time, which gave us a chance to try. We brought the product to restore the crane operation in time. It has been stable and reliable for two years, and was recognized. In 2011, Weite was officially included as a qualified supplier.

We take this opportunity to travel along the Bohai Bay to the South China Sea to provide safety solutions for most CNOOC drilling platform cranes. On a platform in Shenzhen, a conversation with the chief officer of the platform was very memorable: "The core data is controlled by foreign manufacturers, so it is impossible to replace a certain part yourself. Now it is replaced with a micro special product, so you can use it with more confidence." This is the value of Weite!

▶ Help the old bridge erecting machine regain its vitality

                             (Helping the old bridge erecting machine regain its vitality)

In 2013, the customer of Guizhou Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd. drove with 300000 cash to place a special order. From then on, the safety monitoring and management system service of the micro special bridge erecting machine radiates to the field of large construction equipment for high-speed railway transportation.

In 2016, the monitoring requirements of the old equipment used for carrying frames that China Railway Group has served for many years were far higher than the requirements of the national standard after the micro special information transformation. The old equipment was reborn again and served the projects of Xuyan High Speed Railway of China Railway 12th Bureau. The micro special transformation of this project has laid a foundation for the research and development of big data and full life cycle management of lifting equipment.

▶   Accept the challenge of higher standards

(The engineer conducts field research on the intelligent crown block project)

(Remote control room of Hualing Xianggang intelligent crown block)

Through many investigations, Valin Xianggang is very interested in the intelligent management and operation and maintenance system of micro and special equipment. When the epidemic situation was unsealed, Weite paid a door-to-door visit at the first time. After many exchanges, the two sides reached an agreement on technical requirements. However, the steel plant has put forward higher requirements: first of all, it must realize the 5G Internet of Things, and then the installation period is only three days.

Faced with the requirements of customers, Weite responded positively, organized a special team to complete the R&D and design of the system in a short period of time, and cooperated with Huawei to complete the 5G IoT connection to ensure product supply. Next, facing the difficulties of tight construction period and urgent installation tasks, the project leader Li Jingjing led a service team of dozens of people to meet the difficulties and work 24 hours without interruption, and finally completed the task within the specified time. The customer spoke highly of our service team. In the second phase of the project, the customer first thought of Weite and said he was very confident that we would complete it.