Shipyard crane equipment spot inspection management system - Shipcrane computer, safe load indicator,Marine CCTV Camera System

Shipyard crane equipment spot inspection management system

Time:2021-12-08 02:39 Read:6867 Source:Internet
Spot inspection is a basic system of workshop equipment management. The purpose is to accurately grasp the technical status of equipment through spot inspection, maintain and improve the working performance of equipment, prevent accidents, reduce downtime, prolong the service life of equipment, reduce maintenance costs, and ensure normal production.
Wt-sms-v2.0 equipment spot inspection system is a product designed and produced in combination with the actual production spot inspection standards and management experience of shipyard cranes.
The system integrates the routine inspection standard, task derivation, routine inspection process and task reply into the same platform to realize paperless, timely and authentic routine inspection tasks.
The system optimizes the management process, enables the derivation, execution, verification and evaluation of routine inspection tasks to achieve fast closed-loop management, and can generate statistical reports by day, week and month, providing a fast management method for management and improving the management efficiency by 10%.