Safety monitoring and management system of shipbuilding gantry crane - Shipcrane computer, safe load indicator,Marine CCTV Camera System

Safety monitoring and management system of shipbuilding gantry crane

Time:2021-12-08 09:31 Read:6680 Source:Internet
The shipbuilding gantry crane is the main production tool of the shipyard, and is also a large tonnage special lifting safety equipment. In the daily production and use of the equipment, it is not only necessary to configure the lifting safety protection device, but also install the safety monitoring and management system that meets the national standard for large tonnage cranes.
WTSM-A06The M-type safety monitoring and management system is an enhanced safety monitoring and management system equipment designed and manufactured for ship repair cranes. It is a safety monitoring instrument specially designed and manufactured according to the characteristics of long service time, frequent vibration, ultra-high temperature and high dust of ship building and repairing cranes, which can comprehensively and reliably monitor and manage the crane. The system equipment not only meets the national standard GB / t28264-2012 crane safety monitoring and management system, but also records and displays the crane operation simply. The system also carries out in-depth analysis and processing of monitoring data to realize functions such as hook Slip Monitoring and early warning of lifting brake, logical diagnosis of control fault, and life early warning of key control components.