Special inspection of hoisting machinery and equipment on construction site in Urumqi - Industry newscrane computer, safe load indicator,Marine CCTV Camera System

Special inspection of hoisting machinery and equipment on construction site in Urumqi

Time:2015-03-16 09:22 Read:2569 Source:Internet

From now on, Urumqi will conduct a special inspection on the lifting machinery and equipment at the construction site.

This inspection focuses on the formulation and implementation of various plans for lifting machinery and equipment, the work of special operators (drivers, drivers and signal commanders), the regular inspection and maintenance of lifting machinery and equipment, and the performance of relevant personnel during the use process.

During the inspection, it is strictly prohibited for special operation personnel to work without certificates or beyond the time limit, and "zero tolerance" will be carried out for the problems and hidden dangers found in the inspection, so that there is no room for negotiation.

The municipal construction commission will deal with the responsible entities of the relevant units that fail to seriously perform the safety production management responsibilities, and record them in the bad behavior records of enterprises or individuals.

On June 23, 2013, a construction elevator suddenly fell during the rising process at a construction site in Midong District, resulting in 4 deaths and 1 injury. In order to prevent similar accidents at other construction sites in Urumqi, Urumqi decided to carry out special inspection on lifting machinery and equipment at the construction site.

In addition to the special inspection of lifting machinery and equipment, the Urumqi construction system has also launched a four month inspection of safety production.